Real estate broker taps Vanilla Ice to pitch Trump family on putting presidential library on site of trailer park

Real estate broker taps Vanilla Ice to pitch Trump family on putting presidential library on site of trailer park

An avid supporter of President Donald Trump and a real estate broker in Palm Beach County, Fla., wants the president to make the site of a local trailer park the home of the Trump presidential library.

The broker, James Arena, says he thinks he can convince the president to buy the land and turn it into a personal monument.

“Vanilla Ice ran it by Donald Jr.,” Arena said of the president’s eldest son. “He called me back and said, ‘Man, I think they’re really into it.’”

Arena is proposing Trump buy Briny Breezes, a 43-acre coastal town just south of Boynton Beach that’s entirely made up of mobile homes, for $1 billion.

There are several property owners in the town who have been considering selling the land due to a number of infrastructure issues which is being faced by the residents in the community.

Arena said that if the president purchases the land, then there would be more opportunity for businesses for the area and for the president as well. He thinks Briny Breezes is the perfect location because Trump could develop the land by adding a hotel, a marina, multiple restaurants, and other tourist attractions. He could even change the name to “Trump Town” — a true bait by Arena, given there’s nothing Trump loves more than seeing his name looming over property.

Earlier in 2007, a proposal was offered by a different developer to purchase the town for $510 million however the plan unraveled. During the same year, Trump also expressed his interest in buying the land there.

Since Herbert Hoover, every president has built a presidential library in his home state. If the number of hours he spends there didn’t make it obvious, Trump plans to keep his roots in Florida, as he and Melania filed paperwork in October to change their primary residence from Manhattan to Palm Beach County through Mar-a-Lago. Establishing a presidential library in Florida, specially Palm Beach County, makes sense then.


The real estate section is covered by David Carty. Need any information on prices, rises and falls in the market, or genuine advice on what properties to watch out for? David has proven his mettle in the field through stellar reporting and story creation.

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